Key Executives Bio Template

A one-column page used for bio pages of Key Executives.

Resize window to see mobile.

page screenshot
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  1. Section Header

    Wrap header with <header class="section-header">. Define section further with <h3> and <a id="x">, where x = section header id; color is from section header class. On scroll on desktop and tablet, JavaScript will affix header to top (with Menu and Search). (See scripts.js.)
  2. Headcrumb

    Display the headcrumb nav with a <header class="section-header"> wrapper. Style the link text with h4 and link back to Key Executives landing page, ensuring href has id="page-title-ourdistrict-execs".
  3. Main body

    Below the headcrumb, define body content with a wrapper <main id="main" class="m-all t-all d-all cf" role="main">. Define inner wrapper with <article role="article" class="m-all t-10of12 d-10of12 t-o-1of12 d-o-1of12">. This functions as desktop and tablet layout.
  4. Header and body text

    Style header (exec name) with <h1>. Use <p> for each paragraph of the bio.
  5. Bio image and title

    Code image and title twice. On mobile, position the image above the bio paragraphs by using <div class="frbsf_widget_cta mobile">. Additionally, enclose the exec title in <p class="note padding-bottom"> <p.

    On desktop, embed the image within the text, usually after the first paragraph. Use <div class="frbsf_widget_cta desktop">. Title also gets the same class as above.