Data Page Template

A one-column page used for data and indicators pages, which feature charts and tables.

Resize window to see mobile.

page screenshot
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  1. Section Header

    Wrap header with <header class="section-header">. Define section further with <h3> and <a id="x">, where x = section header id; color is from section header class. On scroll on desktop and tablet, JavaScript will affix header to top (with Menu and Search). (See scripts.js.)
  2. Headcrumb

    Display the headcrumb nav with a <header class="section-header"> wrapper. Style the link text with h4 and link back to Economic Education Staff landing page, ensuring href has id="page-title-ed-staff".
  3. Badge image and title

    Create a badge image, specially sized for data pages. Wrap image with <div class="landing-hero-data"> and <img class="banner"> and place white title overlay for desktop and tablet, none for mobile. Float image left on desktop and stack on mobile. Style title with <h1 class="banner-title"> and add share links and icons below.
  4. Chart title

    Use <p class="h5">.
  5. Data chart

    Use JavaScript to format, lay out, and customize charts on the page. Refer to data visualization components and guidelines.
  6. Table

    If a table is required, use responsive table layout to present data (<table class="data-table">). Use <h4> for table title.