Foundational styles applied to FRBSF.org. We use the CSS preprocessor Sass.
1-1 Typography
Documentation of typographical styles across the site.
1-1.1 Font
The site uses Roboto as its main font. Base size is 20px.
Backup font is Helvetica. Use Helvetica Neue as default Facebook Instant Articles font.
1-1.2 Font weights
We use Sass variables for font weights.
<p style="font-weight: [modifier class]">ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<br> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br> 1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+</p>
$thin .100 weight
$light .300 weight
$normal .400 weight
$medium .500 weight
$bold .700 weight
1-1.3 Foundational headings
Default styling of page headings. These are semantic headings with no classes.
(There will, however, be cases when the semantic won't match the visual hierarchy of a page. For example, a complex page may have several semantic h1
's, but some of them may visually be required to look like h2
. In those cases, use heading classes to make the page visually consistent.)
Note about h1
: All h1
s have font-weight: 300
or $light
, except on mobile viewports (<= 480), at which point they become font-weight: 500
or $medium
Page Title
Primary Sub-heading
Secondary Sub-heading
Related or In This Section heading
Article Title on Archive Pages (event, blog, and publication)
<h1>Page Title</h1> <h2>Primary Sub-heading</h2> <h3>Secondary Sub-heading</h3> <h4>Related or In This Section heading</h4> <h5>Article Title on Archive Pages (event, blog, and publication)</h5>
1-1.4 Additional headings
Headings with special modifier classes.
Economic Letter sub-heading
FRBSF Economic Letter
Section link
Publications section link
Blog author
Additional info box heading
Follow Us box heading
Headcrumb heading style
<h2 class="secTitle">Economic Letter sub-heading</h2> <p id="pubName"> <span id="sf_eltop">FRBSF</span> <span id="pub_title">Economic Letter</span> </p> <h2 class="landing-section-title"><a href="#">Section link</a></h2> <h2 class="margin-bottom-none padding-top-add"><a href="#">Publications section link</a></h2> <h3 class="author vcard"><a href="#">Blog author</a></h3> <h3 class="heading-bg">Additional info box heading</h3> <h3 class="landing-follow">Follow Us box heading</h3> <header class="section-header"> <h4><a href="#">Headcrumb heading style</a></h4> </header>
1-1.5 Paragraph
Default styling of paragraphs.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Foxy parsons quiz and cajole the lovably dim wiki-girl. Watch "Jeopardy!", Alex Trebek's fun TV quiz game. How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts! All questions asked by five watched experts—amaze the judge.
<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Foxy parsons quiz and cajole the lovably dim wiki-girl. Watch "Jeopardy!", Alex Trebek's fun TV quiz game. How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts! All questions asked by five watched experts—amaze the judge.</p>
1-1.6 Lists
Default styling of lists.
- A list item
- A list item
- A list item
<ul class="ul [modifier class]"> <li>A list item</li> <li>A list item</li> <li>A list item</li> </ul>
Use short-list
for no padding between list items. .short-list
- A list item
- A list item
- A list item
Use for bulleted press release highlights. .subhead
- A list item
- A list item
- A list item
1-1.7 Blockquote
Default styling of blockquotes.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
<blockquote>Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.</blockquote>
1-1.8 Pull quote
General pull quote style. Use in excerpts from interviews employed as graphic elements. Typically followed by quote attribution.
class uses Helvetica to avoid Roboto quote marks.
“Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.”
<blockquote class="pullquote"> <p>“Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.”</p> <footer>John, Quote author</footer> </blockquote>
1-1.9 Pull quote (Jobs)
The Jobs page uses a special pull quote class for its multimedia gallery.
<article role="article" class="m-all t-10of12 d-10of12 t-o-1of12 d-o-1of12 page-careers"> <div id="jp_container" class="demo-container"> <div class="slideshow_large"> <div class="slide_large active" id="slide_large1" style="display: block;"> <img src="http://placehold.it/550x375" width="550" height="375" class="alignnone size-full" /> <div class="quote"> <p>“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Watch 'Jeopardy!', Alex Trebek's fun TV quiz game.”</p> <p class="quote-author">Jane, Quote author</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <p class="cf"></p>
1-1.11 Chart or table title
Title style for charts and tables (Economic Letter).
Table or Chart Title
Description of table or chart
<div class="Rchart"> <p>Table or Chart Title<br> Description of table or chart</p> </div>
1-1.12 Chart or table footer
Footnote style for charts and tables (Economic Letter).
Note: Footnote about or source of chart or table.
<div class="Rchart"> <p class="note">Note: Footnote about or source of chart or table.</p> </div>
1-1.13 Superscript
Superscript style for text that requires it, for example, President's Speeches footnotes. Link it to the corresponding citation or footnote at the bottom of the page.
Footnoted phrase1
<p>Footnoted phrase<a class="footnotenumbersraised">1</a></p>
1-1.14 Center
Use class aligncenter
to center an element.
Centered element
<p class="aligncenter">Centered element</p> <p class="aligncenter"><img src="http://placehold.it/450x280"></p>
1-1.15 Disclaimer
Style for boilerplate language required on some pages.
<footer> <p class="disclaimer"> <small>The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or of the Federal Reserve System.</small> </p> </footer>
1-2 Colors
These are the approved colors for use on the site. We use Sass variables to set colors. (Check out "Naming Sass Color Variables" and "Better Sass variables through abstraction").
1-2.1 Foundational colors
Color naming convention is based on the writings of Geoff Graham ("Naming SASS Color Variables") and Craig Dennis ("Better SASS variables through abstraction").
$white-smoke: #f6f5f4
$pampas: #f1eeec
$gallery: #ebebeb
$swiss-coffee: #e1dddb
$silver: #cacaca
$cottonseed: #c1bbb9
$gray: #8c8c8c
$dove-gray: #6e6e6e
$tundora: #4e4e4e
$mine-shaft: #333
$napa: #aba091
$gimblet: #be9f72
$clay-creek: #837a57
$dark-goldenrod: #c39709
$desert: #ae6320
$orange-roughy: #a64a36
$tabasco: #96200f
$burnt-umber: #883529
$ironstone: #784139
$antique-bronze: #753d05
$walnut: #6c441c
$black-rose: #6f0733
$narvik: #eceee5
$amulet: #7c936f
$finlandia: #516e5c
$limeade: #518000
$chalet: #497037
$green-pea: #215b33
$mallard: #2e4520
$horizon: #6291a6
$blue-lagoon: #026877
$boston-blue: #3d7dba
$endeavor: #0256a5
$prussian-blue: #022951
$waikawa-gray: #596a9a
$blue-marguerite: #827ac9
<main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #f6f5f4; color: #000"> <p class="aligncenter">$white-smoke: #f6f5f4</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #f1eeec; color: #000"> <p class="aligncenter">$pampas: #f1eeec</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #ebebeb; color: #000"> <p class="aligncenter">$gallery: #ebebeb</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #e1dddb; color: #000"> <p class="aligncenter">$swiss-coffee: #e1dddb</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #cacaca; color: #000"> <p class="aligncenter">$silver: #cacaca</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #c1bbb9; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$cottonseed: #c1bbb9</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #8c8c8c; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$gray: #8c8c8c</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #6e6e6e; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$dove-gray: #6e6e6e</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #4e4e4e; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$tundora: #4e4e4e</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <p></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #333; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$mine-shaft: #333</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #aba091; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$napa: #aba091</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #be9f72; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$gimblet: #be9f72</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #837a57; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$clay-creek: #837a57</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #c39709; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$dark-goldenrod: #c39709</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #ae6320; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$desert: #ae6320</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #a64a36; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$orange-roughy: #a64a36</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #96200f; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$tabasco: #96200f</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #883529; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$burnt-umber: #883529</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #784139; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$ironstone: #784139</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #753d05; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$antique-bronze: #753d05</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #6c441c; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$walnut: #6c441c</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #6f0733; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$black-rose: #6f0733</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #eceee5; color: #000"> <p class="aligncenter">$narvik: #eceee5</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #7c936f; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$amulet: #7c936f</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #516e5c; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$finlandia: #516e5c</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #518000; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$limeade: #518000</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #497037; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$chalet: #497037</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #215b33; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$green-pea: #215b33</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #2e4520; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$mallard: #2e4520</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #6291a6; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$horizon: #6291a6</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #026877; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$blue-lagoon: #026877</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #3d7dba; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$boston-blue: #3d7dba</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #0256a5; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$endeavor: #0256a5</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #022951; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$prussian-blue: #022951</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #596a9a; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$waikawa-gray: #596a9a</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #827ac9; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$blue-marguerite: #827ac9</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-2.2 Department section colors
(Text color #fff used only to make text readable.)
$er-color: $black-rose
$banking-color: $tabasco
$education-color: $blue-lagoon
$cd-color: $desert
$cash-color: $green-pea
<main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #6f0733; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$er-color: $black-rose</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #96200f; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$banking-color: $tabasco</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #026877; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$education-color: $blue-lagoon</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #ae6320; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$cd-color: $desert</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #215b33; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$cash-color: $green-pea</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-2.3 Graphics colors (#unreserved)
These are used for #unreserved landing block colors. (Text color #fff used only to make text readable.)
$graphics-blue: $boston-blue
$graphics-red: $orange-roughy
$graphics-yellow: $dark-goldenrod
$graphics-green: $limeade
$graphics-purple: $blue-marguerite
$graphics-beige: $napa
$graphics-sage: $finlandia
$graphics-teal: $horizon
$graphics-dark-red: $ironstone
<main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #3d7dba; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$graphics-blue: $boston-blue</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #a64a36; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$graphics-red: $orange-roughy</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #c39709; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$graphics-yellow: $dark-goldenrod</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #518000; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$graphics-green: $limeade</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #827ac9; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$graphics-purple: $blue-marguerite</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #aba091; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$graphics-beige: $napa</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #516e5c; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$graphics-sage: $finlandia</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #6291a6; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$graphics-teal: $horizon</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #784139; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$graphics-dark-red: $ironstone</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-2.4 Text and background
Black text color and white background. (Note: "color: #fff" and "#333" only used to make text readable.) When there's no "$" sign before a value, as in "white" below, it means built-in CSS value is being used.
$black: $mine-shaft
$white: white
<main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of8 d-4of8" style="background: #333; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$black: $mine-shaft</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of8 d-4of8" style="background: #fff; color: #333"> <p class="aligncenter">$white: white</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-2.5 Gray background colors
Shades of gray. (Note: "color: #fff" and "#333" only used to make text readable.)
$pale-gray: $white-smoke
$light-gray: $gallery
$nav-btn-gray: $silver
$medium-gray: $dove-gray
$coal-gray: $tundora
$sand-gray: $pampas
$lt-sand-gray: $swiss-coffee
$med-sand-gray: $cottonseed
<main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #f6f5f4; color: #333"> <p class="aligncenter">$pale-gray: $white-smoke</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #ebebeb; color: #333"> <p class="aligncenter">$light-gray: $gallery</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #cacaca; color: #333"> <p class="aligncenter">$nav-btn-gray: $silver</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #6e6e6e; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$medium-gray: $dove-gray</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #8c8c8c; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$gray</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #4e4e4e; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$coal-gray: $tundora</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #f1eeec; color: #333"> <p class="aligncenter">$sand-gray: $pampas</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #e1dddb; color: #333"> <p class="aligncenter">$lt-sand-gray: $swiss-coffee</p></article> <!--Games not-selected button background color--> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #c1bbb9; color: #333"> <p class="aligncenter">$med-sand-gray: $cottonseed</p></article> <!--Games not-selected button text--> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-2.6 Border and disabled gray
$border-color: $light-gray
$disabled-gray: $medium-gray
<main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of8 d-4of8" style="color: #333; border: solid 2px #ebebeb;"> <p class="aligncenter">$border-color: $light-gray</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of8 d-4of8" style="background: #6e6e6e; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$disabled-gray: $medium-gray</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-2.7 Text color
Text color (black).
Use $black ($mineshaft) for text color.
<p style="color: #333">Use $black ($mineshaft) for text color.</p>
1-2.8 Link color
Link color, hover color.
Sass formula:
$link-color: $blue
$link-hover: darken($link-color, 9%)
<a href="#">Link and hover color in action.</a> <p>Sass formula:</p> <p>$link-color: $blue</p> <p>$link-hover: darken($link-color, 9%)</p>
1-2.9 Grays for reference lines and to accentuate focus
$pale-gray: $white-smoke
$sand-gray: $pampas
$light-gray: $gallery
$medium-gray: $dove-gray
$coal-gray: $tundora
<main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #f6f5f4; color: #333"> <p class="aligncenter">$pale-gray: $white-smoke</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #f1eeec; color: #333"> <p class="aligncenter">$sand-gray: $pampas</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #ebebeb; color: #333"> <p class="aligncenter">$light-gray: $gallery</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #8c8c8c; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$gray</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #6e6e6e; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$medium-gray: $dove-gray</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #4e4e4e; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">$coal-gray: $tundora</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-2.14 Data visualization colors
Use these approved colors for data charts and only in the color combinations according to chart type.
When color labels are more approriate for the data versus black (#333), please use alternate colors for data labels. See example.
Principal colors
Color | Hex Value (Sass Name) | RGB Value |
dataviz-1 | 2e5e8b (calypso) | (46,94,139) |
dataviz-2 | 8baf3e (wasabi) | (139,175,62) |
dataviz-3 | fcc62d (sunglow) | (252,198,45) |
dataviz-4 | 88cde5 (cornflower) | (136,205,229) |
dataviz-5 | 6d6aaa (violet) | (109,106,170) |
dataviz-6 | 474747 (charcoal) | (71,71,71) |
dataviz-7 | b63b36 (medium-carmine) | (182,59,54) |
dataviz-8 | fa7b00 (tangerine) | (250,123,0) |
dataviz-9 | 6291a6 (horizon) | (98,145,166) |
dataviz-10 | 1E5932 darken(saturate(adjust-hue (#497037, 39), 15.45), 9.41) |
(30,89,50) |
Alternate colors for data labels (to improve readability)
label color for light-yellow
label color for light-blue
label color for light-green
<h4>Principal colors</h4> <table class="data-table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Color</th> <th>Hex Value (Sass Name)</th> <th>RGB Value</th> </tr> </thead> <tr> <td data-title="Color" style="background: #2e5e8b; color: #fff; padding: 15px">dataviz-1</td> <td data-title="Hex Value (Sass Name)">2e5e8b (calypso)</td> <td data-title="RGB Value">(46,94,139)</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Color" style="background: #8baf3e; color: #fff; padding: 15px">dataviz-2</td> <td data-title="Hex Value (Sass Name)">8baf3e (wasabi)</td> <td data-title="RGB Value">(139,175,62)</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Color" style="background: #fcc62d; color: #fff; padding: 15px">dataviz-3</td> <td data-title="Hex Value (Sass Name)">fcc62d (sunglow)</td> <td data-title="RGB Value">(252,198,45)</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Color" style="background: #88cde5; color: #fff; padding: 15px">dataviz-4</td> <td data-title="Hex Value (Sass Name)">88cde5 (cornflower)</td> <td data-title="RGB Value">(136,205,229)</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Color" style="background: #6d6aaa; color: #fff; padding: 15px">dataviz-5</td> <td data-title="Hex Value (Sass Name)">6d6aaa (violet)</td> <td data-title="RGB Value">(109,106,170)</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Color" style="background: #474747; color: #fff; padding: 15px">dataviz-6</td> <td data-title="Hex Value (Sass Name)">474747 (charcoal)</td> <td data-title="RGB Value">(71,71,71)</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Color" style="background: #b63b36; color: #fff; padding: 15px">dataviz-7</td> <td data-title="Hex Value (Sass Name)">b63b36 (medium-carmine)</td> <td data-title="RGB Value">(182,59,54)</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Color" style="background: #fa7b00; color: #fff; padding: 15px">dataviz-8</td> <td data-title="Hex Value (Sass Name)">fa7b00 (tangerine)</td> <td data-title="RGB Value">(250,123,0)</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Color" style="background: #6291a6; color: #fff; padding: 15px">dataviz-9</td> <td data-title="Hex Value (Sass Name)">6291a6 (horizon)</td> <td data-title="RGB Value">(98,145,166)</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Color" style="background: #1E5932; color: #fff; padding: 15px">dataviz-10</td> <td data-title="Hex Value (Sass Name)">1E5932 <br>darken(saturate(adjust-hue<br>(#497037, 39), 15.45), 9.41)</td> <td data-title="RGB Value">(30,89,50)</td> </tr> </table> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>Alternate colors for data labels (to improve readability)</h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #fff; color: #dca303"> <p class="aligncenter">label color for light-yellow</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #fff; color: #3dabc9"> <p class="aligncenter">label color for light-blue</p></article> <article class="m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #fff; color: #769627"> <p class="aligncenter">label color for light-green</p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-2.15 Qualitative scheme color combinations
Use to represent discrete data sets. Colors do not represent magnitude differences between data sets. (ColorBrewer 2.0: Color Advice for Cartography.) (Reviewed for color blindness (Protanopia and Deuteuranopia).
2 Colors
Option 2
(Use Default First)
Option 3
(Use Default First)
3 Colors
Option 1
Option 2
4 Colors
5 Colors
6 Colors
7 Colors
8 Colors
9 Colors
10 Colors
<h4>2 Colors</h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-4of12 t-4of12 d-4of12"> <p class="aligncenter">Default</p></article> <article class="m-4of12 t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #2e5e8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-4of12 t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #8baf3e"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-4of12 t-4of12 d-4of12"> <p class="aligncenter">Option 2<br>(Use Default First)</p></article> <article class="m-4of12 t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #2e5e8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-4of12 t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #fcc62d"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-4of12 t-4of12 d-4of12"> <p class="aligncenter">Option 3<br>(Use Default First)</p></article> <article class="m-4of12 t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #6291a6"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-4of12 t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background: #b63b36"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>3 Colors</h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12"> <p class="aligncenter">Option 1</p></article> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12" style="background: #2e5e8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12" style="background: #8baf3e"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12" style="background: #fcc62d"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12"> <p class="aligncenter">Option 2</p></article> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12" style="background: #6291a6"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12" style="background: #fcc62d"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12" style="background: #474747"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>4 Colors</h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12" style="background: #2e5e8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12" style="background: #8baf3e"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12" style="background: #fcc62d"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-3of12 t-3of12 d-3of12" style="background: #88cde5"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>5 Colors</h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #2e5e8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #8baf3e"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #fcc62d"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #88cde5"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #6d6aaa"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>6 Colors</h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of6 t-1of6 d-1of6" style="background: #2e5e8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of6 t-1of6 d-1of6" style="background: #8baf3e"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of6 t-1of6 d-1of6" style="background: #fcc62d"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of6 t-1of6 d-1of6" style="background: #88cde5"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of6 t-1of6 d-1of6" style="background: #6d6aaa"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of6 t-1of6 d-1of6" style="background: #474747"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>7 Colors</h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of7 t-1of7 d-1of7" style="background: #2e5e8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of7 t-1of7 d-1of7" style="background: #8baf3e"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of7 t-1of7 d-1of7" style="background: #fcc62d"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of7 t-1of7 d-1of7" style="background: #88cde5"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of7 t-1of7 d-1of7" style="background: #6d6aaa"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of7 t-1of7 d-1of7" style="background: #474747"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of7 t-1of7 d-1of7" style="background: #b63b36"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>8 Colors</h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #2e5e8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #8baf3e"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #fcc62d"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #88cde5"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #6d6aaa"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #474747"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #b63b36"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #fa7b00"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>9 Colors</h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of9 t-1of9 d-1of9" style="background: #2e5e8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of9 t-1of9 d-1of9" style="background: #8baf3e"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of9 t-1of9 d-1of9" style="background: #fcc62d"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of9 t-1of9 d-1of9" style="background: #88cde5"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of9 t-1of9 d-1of9" style="background: #6d6aaa"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of9 t-1of9 d-1of9" style="background: #474747"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of9 t-1of9 d-1of9" style="background: #b63b36"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of9 t-1of9 d-1of9" style="background: #fa7b00"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of9 t-1of9 d-1of9" style="background: #6291a6"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>10 Colors</h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of10 t-1of10 d-1of10" style="background: #2e5e8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of10 t-1of10 d-1of10" style="background: #8baf3e"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of10 t-1of10 d-1of10" style="background: #fcc62d"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of10 t-1of10 d-1of10" style="background: #88cde5"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of10 t-1of10 d-1of10" style="background: #6d6aaa"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of10 t-1of10 d-1of10" style="background: #474747"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of10 t-1of10 d-1of10" style="background: #b63b36"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of10 t-1of10 d-1of10" style="background: #fa7b00"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of10 t-1of10 d-1of10" style="background: #6291a6"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of10 t-1of10 d-1of10" style="background: #1E5932"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-2.16 Diverging schemes color combinations
Use to display deviations from the mean. (ColorBrewer 2.0: Color Advice for Cartography.)
<main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #8baf3e"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #b9cf8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #f7f7f7"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #a7a6cc"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #6d6aaa"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #2e5e8b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #829eB9"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #f7f7f7"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #d38986"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-2of10 t-2of10 d-2of10" style="background: #b63b36"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-2.17 Sequential schemes color combinations
Use to order data that progresses from low to high, lightness steps with light colors for low data values to dark colors for high data values. (ColorBrewer 2.0: Color Advice for Cartography.)
Based on data-viz-1
Based on data-viz-2
Based on data-viz-3
Based on data-viz-4
Based on data-viz-5
Based on data-viz-6
Based on data-viz-7
Based on data-viz-8
Based on data-viz-9
Based on data-viz-10
<h4>Based on <code>data-viz-1</code></h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #D5DFE8"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #ABBFD1"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #829EB9"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #587EA2"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #2e5e8b; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">*</p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #234768"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #172F46"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #0C1823"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>Based on <code>data-viz-2</code></h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #E8EFD8"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #D1DFB2"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #B9CF8B"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #A2BF65"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #8BAF3E; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">*</p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #68832F"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #46581F"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #232C10"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>Based on <code>data-viz-3</code></h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #FEF4D5"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #FEE8AB"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #FDDD81"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #FDD157"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #FCC62D; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">*</p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #BD9522"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #7E6317"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #3F310B"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>Based on <code>data-viz-4</code></h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #E1FFFF"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #BEFFFF"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #ACF1FF"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #9ADFF7"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #88cde5; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">*</p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #6FB4CC"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #559AB2"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #3C8199"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>Based on <code>data-viz-5</code></h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #E2E1EE"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #C5C3DD"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #A7A6CC"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #8A88BB"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #6D6AAA; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">*</p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #525080"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #373555"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #1B1B2A"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>Based on <code>data-viz-6</code></h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #ADADAD"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #949494"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #7A7A7A"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #616161"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #474747; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">*</p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #2E2E2E"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #212121"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #141414"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>Based on <code>data-viz-7</code></h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #fff5f0"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #fcbba1"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #fc9272"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #fb6a4a"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #b63b36; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">*</p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #a50f15"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #67000d"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #4E0000"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>Based on <code>data-viz-8</code></h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #fff5eb"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #fee6ce"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #fdd0a2"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #fdae6b"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #fa7b00; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">*</p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #d94801"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #a63603"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #7f2704"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>Based on <code>data-viz-9</code></h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #E0E9ED"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #C0D3DB"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #A1BDCA"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #81A7B8"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #6291A6; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">*</p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #4A6D7D"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #314953"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #182429"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p> <h4>Based on <code>data-viz-10</code></h4> <main class="m-all t-all d-all cf"> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #84BF98"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #6BA67F"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #518C65"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #38734C"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #1E5932; color: #fff"> <p class="aligncenter">*</p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #114C25"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #054019"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> <article class="m-1of8 t-1of8 d-1of8" style="background: #00330C"> <p class="aligncenter"> </p></article> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-3 Icons
Various icons to direct users around the site.
1-3.1 Menu
Hamburger icon for main top nav menu.
<div id="nav-btn-show" tabindex="0" class="m-1of4 d-1of6 t-1of6" style="background: #333; color: #6e6e6e; padding: 1rem"> <img src="../assets/images/icon-menu.png" width="27" height="23" alt="Show Menu"> MENU </div> <p class="cf"></p> <div id="nav-btn" tabindex="0" class="m-1of4 d-1of6 t-1of6 fixed" style="background: #f1eeec; color: #6e6e6e; padding: 1rem"> <img src="../assets/images/icon-menu.png" width="27" height="23" alt="Show Menu"> MENU </div> <p class="cf"></p>
1-3.2 Search
Search icon, which, when clicked or tapped becomes a search box form.

<div id="search-site" class="m-1of4 d-1of6 t-1of6" style="background: #333; color: #6e6e6e; padding: 1rem"> <img src="../assets/images/search-icon.png" alt="Search SF Fed" style="display: block;"> </div> <p class="cf"></p> <div id="search-site" class="m-1of4 d-1of6 t-1of6" style="background: #f1eeec; color: #6e6e6e; padding: 1rem"> <img src="../assets/images/search-icon.png" alt="Search SF Fed" style="display: block;"> </div> <p class="cf"></p>
1-3.3 Off-site icon
Indicates to user a link that is not frbsf.org and will open a new window.
Below is a basic link; it's then followed by those with off-site icon variants.
<a href="http://www.federalreserve.gov" class="a [modifier class]">Link</a>
Icon next to non-FRBSF site indicating link will open new window. .offsite-icon-img
Off-site link icon in the main navigation. .offsite-icon-img-nav
1-3.4 Audio and video link icons
Indicates whether link goes to audio or video content.
Below is a basic link; it's then followed by those with multimedia icon variants.
<a class=" [modifier class]" href="">Link</a>
Links to video content. .video-icon
Links to audio content. .audio-icon
1-3.5 Economic letter icons
Share, subscribe and download icons on Economic Letters. Social media icons appear when share icon is clicked.
<p> <a href="#"> <img src="../assets/images/icon-pdf.png" width="46" height="30" alt="View PDF" class="padding-r pdf"> </a> <a href="#" title="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="../assets/images/icon-email.png" width="41" height="30" alt="Subscribe to FedViews"> </a> <a href="#" class="share"> <img src="../assets/images/icon-share.png" width="37" height="30" alt="Share"> </a> </p>
1-3.6 Share icons
Social media icons for sharing content. Used on several Fed sections.
<div id="share-links"> <a href="#"><img src="../assets/images/icon-facebook.png" width="44" height="44" alt="Share on Facebook"></a> <a href="#" title="Share on Twitter" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="../assets/images/icon-twitter.png" width="44" height="44" alt="Share on Twitter"></a> <a href="#"><img src="../assets/images/icon-linkedin.png" width="44" height="44" alt="Share on LinkedIn"></a> </div>
1-3.7 Education share icons
Sharing and social icons for Education
<div class="landing-follow-section-ed desktop"> <a href="#"><img src="../assets/images/icon-twitter.png" width="44" height="44" alt="Twitter"></a> <a href="#"><img src="../assets/images/icon-facebook.png" width="44" height="44" alt="Facebook"></a> <a href="#"><img src="../assets/images/icon-pinterest.png" width="44" height="44" alt="Pinterest"></a> <a href="#"><img src="../assets/images/icon-youtube.png" width="44" height="44" alt="Youtube"></a> <a href="#"><img border="0" src="../assets/images/icon-edublog.png" alt="Edublog"></a> <a href="#"><img border="0" src="../assets/images/icon-email.png" alt="Newsletter"></a> </div>
1-3.8 Community Development share icons
Users can follow CD on social with these icons.
<div class="landing-follow-section desktop"> <a href="#"><img src="../assets/images/icon-youtube.png" width="44" height="44" alt="Youtube"></a> <a href="#"><img src="../assets/images/icon-facebook.png" width="44" height="44" alt="Facebook"></a> <a href="#"><img src="../assets/images/icon-twitter.png" width="44" height="44" alt="Twitter"></a> <a href="#"><img src="../assets/images/icon-linkedin.png" width="44" height="44" alt="LinkedIn"></a> <a href="#"><img border="0" src="../assets/images/icon-email.png" alt="Newsletter"></a> </div>
1-3.9 PDF CV icon
Combo "CV/PDF" box for economist bio.
<p id="cv"><a href="#" class="pdf">CV</a></p>
1-3.10 Upcoming events
Calendar icon for upcoming events.
<div class="landing-events"> <img src="../assets/images/icon-event-calendar.png" width="40" height="44" alt="Upcoming Events" class="eventicon"> <h3><a href="/education/events/">Upcoming Events</a></h3> </div>
1-3.11 Show and Hide
Plus and minus icons used to toggle visibility of elements.
<img src="../assets/images/icon-plus.png" class="icon hideshow" width="30" height="30" alt="Show this section"> <img src="../assets/images/icon-minus.png" class="icon hideshow" width="30" height="30" alt="Hide this section">
1-3.12 RSS icon
Indicates available RSS feed subscription.
<div id="share-links"> <p> <a href="#" title="Subscribe to the Community Development Blog RSS feed" ><img src="../assets/images/icon-rss.png" width="29" height="30" class="rss" alt="Subscribe to the Community Development Blog RSS feed"></a> </p> </div>
1-4 Buttons
Main button styles and special buttons.
1-4.1 Blue button
Main button style.
<p class="register-btn"><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="button_gradient">Register</a></p>
1-4.2 Form submission button
Subscription button, mainly for mailchimp pages.
<input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button gradient">
1-4.3 Read more button
White arrow inside circle used for #unreserved.
<div class="ur-text m-all t-4of12 d-4of12" style="background:#516e5c"> <p style="text-align: center"><img src="../assets/images/icon-left-arrow.png" alt"left="" arrow"="" title="Read more"></p> </div> <p class="cf"></p>
1-4.4 Recent Presidents button
Use class recent-pres-btn
to create link to recent FRBSF presidents on Office of the President page.
<article role="article" class="m-all t-10of12 d-10of12 t-o-1of12 d-o-1of12"> <section class="entry-content cf"> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="m-all t-5of12 d-5of12 recent-pres-btn sand-btn aligncenter"> <p><a href="#">Recent President</a></p> </div> </div> </section> </article> <p class="cf"></p>
1-4.5 Listen/pause buttons
Audio control buttons (mainly for Careers landing page). Image toggles when clicked.

<img src="../assets/images/audio-pause.png" class="button" id="play1" href="#" title="" style="width:50px"> <img src="../assets/images/audio-play2.png" class="button" id="play1" href="#" title="" style="width:50px">
1-4.6 Chair the Fed game buttons
A number of one-off, non-standard buttons created for Chair the Fed game in Teacher Resources. They have the following respective functions: Launch Game, For the Public, For Educators, and Contact Us.

<img src="../assets/images/button_launch_game.png" width="200" height="56" alt="Launch Game" title="Launch Game" class="chair-the-fed-launch-btn"> <img src="../assets/images/icon_p.png" width="142" height="142" alt="For the Public"> <img src="../assets/images/icon_e.png" width="142" height="142" alt="For Educators"> <img src="../assets/images/icon_contact.png" width="142" height="142" alt="Contact Us">
1-5 Images
Use the image size guidelines below for the site. They can be made responsive via max-width: 100%
and height: auto
to scale with parent element. Note that every image must have a text equivalent (e.g. via succinct “alt” or equivalent text within corresponding body copy). Alternative text should be descriptive, but should not repeat body copy text. It should be neither too verbose (e.g., “image of” or “photo of”) nor too vague.
1-5.1 Our District hero
Hero image and text on Our District landing page. Text overlay is visible on desktop only.
The 12th District

<div class="landing-hero-our-district"> <p class="desktop">The 12th District</p> <img class="hero" src="../assets/images/our-district-hero-img.jpg" width="960" height="252" alt=""> </div>
1-5.2 #unreserved landing image
#unreserved landing image.
<img width="319" height="300" src="https://placehold.it/319x300" class="attachment-" alt="blog landing image">
1-5.3 #unreserved post image
#unreserved individual post, full-sized image.
<img width="800" height="420" src="https://placehold.it/800x420" class="attachment-full" alt="blog post image">
1-5.4 Blog image and video
SF Fed blog image or featured video on landing and individual post. For image, add from page as Featured Image; it will appear in landing and post. For video, add as Featured Video embed, but also add Featured Image; image will apear in landing, video in individual post.
<img src="https://placehold.it/670x268" alt="blog image" class="blog-hero"> <div class="responsive-embed" style="padding-bottom:56.25%;"> <iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/336812660" allowfullscreen="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0"></iframe> <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer" src="https://extend.vimeocdn.com/ga/72174276.js"> </script> </div>
1-5.5 Thumbnail
Thumbnail for biographic images. Standard sizes include 138 x 138 and 200 x 200.
<div class="bio-image" style="border-radius: 0%"><img src="https://placehold.it/138x138" alt="..." width="138" height="138"></div> <div class="bio-text"> <p><strong>Name</strong> <br><strong>Title</strong> <br>bio</p> </div>
1-5.6 Circle thumbnail
Circle-shaped biographic image, 138x158 or 120x120. Floated left of person's name and title on desktop, stacked on top on mobile. Use border-radius: 50%
to shape image.
Staff Member
<div class="bio-image"><img src="https://placehold.it/138x158" alt="..." ></div> <div class="bio-text"><h1>Staff Member</h1><h3 class="h5">Title</h3></div>
1-5.7 Badge images
Badge images, floated left of first paragraph or top on mobile, required by some pages (e.g., Tech Pulse)
Page Title
This is a description of the section.
Section Title
<article class="cf"> <div class="m-all t-5of12 d-4of12 padding-bottom-add"> <div class="landing-hero-data"> <img class="banner" src="https://placehold.it/375x205"> <p>Title</p> </div> </div> <div class="m-all t-7of12 d-8of12 padding-bottom-add"> <h1 class="banner-title">Page Title</h1> <p>This is a description of the section.</p> </div> <div></div> </article> <div class="desktop"> <h2 class="section-title">Section Title</h2> </div>
1-5.8 Image with text wrap
Use alignleft
class on an element, such as an image, to make text wrap around it.
De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt.
<p> <img src="https://placehold.it/160x219" class="alignleft alt="placeholder" width="160" height="219" /><strong>De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum</strong </p> <p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.<br><br> Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt.</p>
1-5.9 Page not found sloth
The 404 Search Sloth.

<img src="../assets/images/404-search-sloth.jpg" width="245" height="305" alt="">
1-5.10 Easter egg rock chick
Easter egg animated gif from President's Speech Easter Eggs game.

<img src="../assets/images/egg_chick_animation.gif">
1-5.11 SF Fed Blog and In the Media image (from landing page)
The SF Fed Blog and In the Media image links from Our District landing page. Two-column responsive layout stacks on mobile.
<main id="main" class="m-all t-all d-all cf" role="main"> <article class="m-all t-all d-10of12 d-o-1of12"> <div class="m-all t-6of12 d-6of12 sf-fed-blog"> <a href="#"> <p>Image 1</p> <img src="https://placehold.it/467x264" width="467" height="264" alt=""> </a> </div> <div class="m-all t-6of12 d-6of12 in-the-media"> <a href="/our-district/press/"> <p>Image 2</p> <img src="https://placehold.it/467x264" width="467" height="264" alt=""> </a> </div> </article> </main> <p class="cf"></p>
1-5.12 Inline image
Use figure
to display inline blog images and charts, and figcaption
for accompanying captions or notes.
Figure 1
<figure class="aligncenter"> <p>Figure 1<br> Title</p> <img src="https://placehold.it/550x365" alt="placeholder image"> <figcaption>Source: source name.</figcaption> </figure>
1-5.13 CPBS logo
Used in CTA box on landing page
<div class="landing-did-you-know"> <p><img src="http://www.frbsf.org/economic-research/wp-content/themes/sf_fed_rebrand_2015/library/images/cpbs-logo.png" class="fullwidth"></p> </div>
1-6 Table
We use NPR's responsive data table model. On smaller screens, table stacks to become row-based.
Institution | Country | Systemic Importance Rank |
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group | Japan | 11 |
Bank of China | China | 17 |
Mizuho Financial Group | Japan | 20 |
Agricultural Bank of China | China | 27 |
Standard Chartered | UK | 27 |
<table class="data-table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Institution</th> <th>Country</th> <th>Systemic Importance Rank</th> </tr> </thead> <tr> <td data-title="Institution">Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group</td> <td data-title="Country">Japan</td> <td data-title="Systemic Importance Rank">11</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Institution">Bank of China</td> <td data-title="Country">China</td> <td data-title="Systemic Importance Rank">17</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Institution">Mizuho Financial Group</td> <td data-title="Country">Japan</td> <td data-title="Systemic Importance Rank">20</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Institution">Agricultural Bank of China</td> <td data-title="Country">China</td> <td data-title="Systemic Importance Rank">27</td> </tr> <tr> <td data-title="Institution">Standard Chartered</td> <td data-title="Country">UK</td> <td data-title="Systemic Importance Rank">27</td> </tr> </table>